Happy Sunday to all of you!
We had a great night last night. We talked to Darryl’s brother and his wife, Darryl’s sister, and Jeremy’s sister. After talking to these people our spirits were high and we felt great. Thanks guys!!!! Of course we must apologize to these people for rambling on about Kallie. It seems that if you ask us a question about her we talk on and on. For only knowing her for one week we sure have a lot to say.
Just to clarify – Kallie’s name rhymes with Sally! It is not Kaylee. I know that with names these days it is sometimes hard to tell what the proper pronunciation is.
Our visit went well today. We are sending one picture from today. She was wearing the pink and white dress again. We were able to get her gigling pretty good by tickling her.
We talked to our facilitator from Kiev today and now were feeling a bit down. Our translator will only be coming out to Dnipro on Thurs. Jan. 8th. There is no sense in her coming any earlier because of the holidays. Our facilitator told us that we would be lucky to have court by January 20th. This seems like a really long time away for us right now! Then of course we have the 10 day wait. If this is the way things happen, there is no chance we will be flying home on Jan. 28th. Time will tell!
Oh yeah! and for the record, I have been winning some UNO games lately. Although Kaiden still seems to win the most!!!!
Kaiden just interrupted, he wants everyone to know that “My sister, Kallie really loves me A LOT!!!”
Those going back to work or school tomorrow - we hope you have a great first day back!
Until later,
The Decks
Dear Guys;We sure appreciate the pictures and the stories about yous getting to know your daughter.I must say I check my computer constantly for updates .Im glad you verified the name because some were saying Kaylee and some Kallie.The weather here is miserable minus 55 with the wind this morning{sunday}.We sure are excited to see you all back home and especially meet Kallie.Hope to hear from yous again. Take care and give your kids a BIG HUG from the Basset's.Lots of Love.
Hi guys, thanks for the new pics, what a sweetie! Jeremy, I think she looks like you! :)
Shawn said he had a great this morning and filled me in when I got my butt out of bed (hee! hee!) I guess I'll never get used to the time change, but at least when I get back I'll be ready to go by 6am!
I know this has been already long for you guys, I am praying for a miracle so you can home sooner than later. Hang in there....
Talk to you soon,
Megan (and Shawn)
...a great chat I meant to say!
So glad that you won some UNO games that made Dawson smile to hear that. We have been pronouncing her name wrong too. We enjoy seeing the pictures of Kallie she is so adorable-- well we're back to school tomorrow. Nolan just finished reading his books and word cards to me - we never practiced any over the holidays as he told me he's not reading until January!!! Dawson is playing his new games on game cube. Good luck on your UNO games- lol
The Genests
Hey we just got home from Build-A-Bear!! Charlee and Dalton can't wait for Kaiden and Tom to meet their bear (Miley) and elephant (Joe). Lindsay got them gift cards for Christmas. Kallie is looking more relaxed everyday. We can not wait to hear her giggle! Tell Kaiden we miss him, well we miss you all but his message is from the kids. later Charlee and Dalton.
HI! I have a neice with the same name so I was saying it right. Kallie does look a lot like you, Jeremy, and Kaiden. She is so beautiful!! We will continue to pray that things will move along a little quicker than what you are expecting. Try to think of it in this way - it is only a little delay compared to a lifetime with her new daughter. She is so precious. I know that it is hard to wait. My thoughts are with you guys!!
Congratulations on your wonderful new addition. We know Kallie is much loved and will be always. She has very bright and cheerful eyes. We can't wait to meet her. Tell Kaiden, Allyn says "To heck with Uno he needs a remote control race track."
Lots of love
(but not in a sexual way)
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