Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting Caught Up

Well we don't have anything new to report so we thought we'd take this opportunity to share a few things that we haven't mentioned.
Many people have asked how Kaiden in keeping busy. Between the outings in our day we brought things to keep him busy. We keep some 'things' a surprise and then when we is bored we get something out. Today was the day that we brought out our gameboy! Yes a gameboy. Even though he is only 5 and we're not fans of him spending too much time with "screens" our son has a gameboy. It is not the new Ninetendo DS so that makes us feel better. When he saw it he was shocked! "Where was that?" We told him that it was hidden. Grandma bought him an early Christmas present which was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game and the kid is in heaven. He said thank you several times. When I asked him how the game was he answered, "This is the best game EVER!" Yes we believe that this toy should be played in moderation, but here in Ukraine moderation is different than it will be in Canada. Tonight he went to bed looking forward to playing his new game tomorrow. We believe that this was very good timing on our part. We still play UNO a lot - yes I am winning a few games. We also watch disney movies together. As of today, we have 7 children movies left. Kaiden has also started reading the Dolch Sight Words. We are all happy that he knows about 100 words already. We have told him that if he works hard on his words he can have a sleepover at Auntie's house (my sister) sometime when we get home. We sure hope that her and her husband will agree to this. They got a Wii for Christmas and he is looking forward to playing it with his cousins. (Yes! more screens!)
A few days ago we were running to an appointment and right as we were passing Darryl saw an Akzo Nobel (Darryl's place of employment) flag. When things are so different here it was weird seeing something so familiar.
Yesterday after court we went to Mcdonalds for lunch and after we left we were in another fender bender. Can you believe it? This one was even less damage than the first accident we were in. The two front corner panels of the cars kissed. The 2 drivers got out and argued a bit and then the other driver got back in his car and took off like a bat out of h***! These Ukrainian drivers!!!!
We have talked to our facilitator in Kiev and she is trying to guess on a date that we can travel home. From yesterday's post you all know that it depends on the amount of time it takes to get Kallie's passport. We need to cancel our flights for Wednesday (that was our scheduled day to come home BOO HOO!) and re-book at the same time. She told us that we would probably be ready to fly home on Feb. 17th. That's really far away right now! We are strongly hoping to be ready by Sat. the 14th. Which is still 22 days away! We will have to decide in the next couple of days. Our travel agent will be getting back to us about the fees to change our flights and how we should go about changing them.
We have posted new pics and hope you enjoy them!
Take care,

The Decks


Shawna and Jon said...

oh my do i love those pants!!!!! so cute and they fit her good! jeez it sounds like those ppl with road rage (who me???) wouldn't be able to drive in the ukraine! i'd probly get into an accident every second day there!!! that and/or have some fists flying!!! well, again like you've heard a hundred times, hang in there...maybe try to consider the time left as an oppurtunity to 'take it all in' while your there...even though you may have had enough time to do that already???!!! we'll chat sat.
j,s,and londyn

Marg Polanik said...

Kallie looks just like a doll. I bet you want to just hug and kiss her all the time! Those cheeks!! What is Kallie's size? Kaiden is so appreciative of everything he gets. What a sweetie too! I know it sounds long until the time to come home but maybe now it will be a little more relaxed as you know that Kallie is now part of your family. Try to take the time to enjoy some of the attractions where you are. Take care and have a great day!

Cindy Genest said...

Kallie is so adorable in her new clothes! I too want to know what size she is wearing. I want to start browsing for some "pink" at my fav store Winners. I'm glad to hear Kaiden is enjoying playing with his gameboy. Ours boys just love their DS - Dawson actually bought guitar hero for his! He can play Bon Jovi for me love it - lol. Take care no more car accidents okay!

mel said...

Was glad to return home to some great news. Will be even better when we know you are all on your way home!! Always lov'n the updates,keep well and hope to see you soon. Mel

Linda C said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy that you are a family of 4. Now all you need is a pet!!!!!!!! There is nothing wrong with the "screen games". Matthew still plays them. At least I know where he is and what he is doing, sometimes!!!!! I hope you can keep Kallie with you all the time and not just the silly two hours. I think the days would go by so much faster.
Lisa's baby shower was great. Kate is a teeny tiny angel! Lisa is so happy! Kate has just as much hair as Kallie!
They're introducing French in Grade 6 next year at Mother Teresa.I guess about 20 parents already want their kids in it.
It's the Sled Dog track meet this weekend. Jeff officiates all weekend. Thank God I decided to take a break from coaching this year!!!!!!Erica runs the 60 tomorrow.
We had hotdog day yesterday and today there was treat sales. So many kids bought a bag of chips and a chocolate bar.Yummy!!!! Indoor recess all day again!!!
Most of Monday's CDD is Meetings and Professional Development. Kim is inservicing Gr.1-5 on Computers. I'm glad, I need it!
Please tell us what size Kallie is--you know how January is, so many sales.
I wish you and your family a good week. I loved you family picture. Keep happy! Linda C.

jen_j said...

February 17th will come so quickly. At least you have a more firm date can look forward to it! It's so great to hear such good news from you. Keeping the Gameboy until now was a fantastic idea! He should be kept busy with it for the next few weeks for sure. Keep posting the pictures. Kallie is just gorgeous! Glad you guys are doing well. Take care!

Mel Frey said...

Congratulations! I am so glad to hear that the worst part of the waiting is over. I don't know what the weather is like over there right now but, you are missing some more cold here. The kids have been reading the blog at school and they are so excited every time there is something new for them to read. They miss you a LOT!! Take care.